Club meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at Deny’s restaurant located at Edmonton Trail and McKnight Blvd. Dinner is at 6:00 pm with the business meeting starting at 7:00 pm.
January 16 - 7:00 pm
Membership Meeting - General meeting for all members or others interested in Packard automobiles. To be held at a location noted above.
February 9/10
Lethbridge Early Bird Swap Meet -The Lethbridge Early Bird Swap meet will be held at the Lethbridge Exhibition Park. This year it will be in a new building, the Agrifood Hub & Trade Centre For more information go to the website www.saacac.com/earlybird-swapmeet.html. The Club will have a booth at the swap meet and members are encouraged to come and visit and help man the booth if you can.
February 20 - 7:00 pm
Membership Meeting - General meeting for all members or others interested in Packard automobiles. To be held at a location noted above.
March 19 - 7:00 pm
Membership Meeting - General meeting for all members or others interested in Packard automobiles. To be held at a location noted above.
April 16 - 7:00 pm
Membership Meeting - General meeting for all members or others interested in Packard automobiles. To be held at a location noted above.
May 11
Stay tuned for the Huge Packard Parts Sale
Saturday May 11, 2024
416 Railway Ave. Langdon Alberta
The Alberta Packard Club is holding a liquidation sale of the clubs Packard & non Packard parts in Langdon Alberta. For more information email packardsalberta @gmail.com